31 May 2024


Electricity North West puts transparency first in network planning and operation

Electricity North West, the region's electricity network operator, puts transparency and collaboration at the forefront of its planning and operations with the release of several key documents. These publications outline how Electricity North West is working with customers and communities to build a reliable, affordable, and sustainable electricity network for the future. 

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The Operational Decision Making Framework (enwl.co.uk) outlines Electricity North West's approach to determine how best to deploy flexibility services, technology and network automation, and traditional network reinforcement to ensure the safety, security, reliability, efficiency, and adequacy of the electricity distribution network. The framework acknowledges Electricity North West’s "flexibility first" approach to optimise network utilisation, minimise reinforcement needs, and support the transition to a net zero future. 

The Distribution Network Options Assessment outlines Electricity North West's application of the Operational Decision-Making Framework for bulk supply points and primary substations that are expected to be constrained in the future.  Through the Distribution Network Options Assessment, Electricity North West provides a greater level of granularity and transparency. 

"Open communication and collaboration are essential for delivering the best possible service to our customers," said Ben Grunfeld, Strategy & Growth Director at Electricity North West. "These publications demonstrate our commitment to working together with stakeholders to navigate the exciting yet complex energy transition." 

Electricity North West was the first to establish its Distribution System Operation (DSO) stakeholder panel with representatives from communities, businesses, and energy experts. This panel provides valuable insights and helps ensure everyone has a voice in shaping the region's electricity network. 

Andrew McIntosh, Independent Chair of the panel, added: “Electricity North West has been diligently working to enhance the visibility of numerous aspects of its business arrangements for the DSO Stakeholder Panel, aiming to better serve its customers and stakeholders. It has been really positive to see this transparency, understand the benefits that have been delivered and, as a stakeholder group, have the opportunity to influence and review the future plans”. 

To find out more and learn about Electricity North West's commitment to a sustainable energy future, visit: www.enwl.co.uk/future-energy/distribution-system-operation