21 Aug 2024

Human interest North West

The intern experience

This summer, Anthonique Asamoah has been interning within our People & Corporate Services directorate. We asked her a few questions about her experience so far. 

Anthonique Asamoah
Name: Anthonique Asamoah
Age: 21
Education: I'm currently a student studying Psychology BSc at the University of Liverpool.
How long have you been interning for us?
I applied to intern here through the 1000 Black Interns Programme. I've been here five weeks so far. I've been working across all the teams in the People & Corporate Services directorate, as well as some other areas too: diversity and inclusion, accommodation, recruitment, comms, call centre, pensions, and operations. 
What’s been your favourite part so far?
It's got to be the work I've been doing on the new starter employee survey. It's been incredibly rewarding to contribute to a project that directly impacts on the new starter experience and their wellbeing in those first few months. I've also enjoyed meeting and working with the different teams, learning about their different roles and how they contribute to the organisation. I've learned so much from everyone, developed strong communication skills and learnt the importance of teamwork.
What have you learnt about yourself during this experience that you didn’t know already?
I've discovered a passion for employee wellbeing. I’ve always known I had a passion for wellbeing and enjoy helping others, but I didn't realise how much I'd enjoy a career in this area. Also, I've always thought of myself as a good communicator but working with different colleagues in the different departments has shown me the importance of active listening. I’ve realised that truly understanding someone’s perspectives requires more than just speaking. It's about genuinely hearing what they say. This has helped me build stronger relationships with colleagues and approach problem solving with a more empathic mindset.
Is Electricity North West what you thought it would be?
Yes. It's been such a truly amazing learning and character-building experience.
What would you say to other teams who haven’t yet hosted an intern?
Have some projects already prepared for interns to work on.  Ensure the plans/projects/tasks given are well detailed to work on and clear about what you want them to achieve. Limit the jargon, as interns won't understand the company jargon as well as you do. It’s always best to engage in conversation rather than talking at interns. Give them the opportunity to explore different departments if it piques their interest and have a schedule for the weeks they're are interning (with space for flexibility) - I found this very helpful in my time here.
What would you say to future interns about how to start this journey here?
Embrace the opportunity to learn and grow. The internship is more than just a job; it's a chance to explore your interest, develop new skills, widen your network and build a strong foundation for future careers. Don’t be afraid to ask questions, seek out challenges and take initiative. Build strong relationships with your colleagues as they can become valuable mentors in the future. Most importantly, enjoy the experience and make the most of every day. Experiences such as these will open your eyes to potential career paths you haven’t even considered before. 
p.s. Pensions are cool, so start investing in your future!!