03 Jul 2024

Company first as power network operator dedicates careers day to women

Women careers day

Electricity North West is to host its first women’s careers day aimed at recruiting more females into the business.

Women are underrepresented in the energy and engineering industry and the region's power network operator is looking to increase its female workforce. It aims to have women in at least 30 per cent of roles by 2028, with 37 per cent in leadership roles on its journey to be more representative of the communities it serves.

Two introductory sessions will take place next month at Electricity North West’s state-of-the-art training academy where attendees will have the chance to meet and hear from current female employees who will share their experiences of working for the business.

Those attending will also learn about the rewards and benefits, including pensions, rewards and family policies. Engineers will also carry out live demonstrations within the training grounds and several interactive panels will take place covering a variety of topics.

Rachael Parr, Electricity North West’s people and corporate services director, said: “For some time, the utilities industry has lagged behind other sectors, particularly when it comes to diversity.

“We’ve recognised this and as well as setting targets, we want to do everything we can to ensure we not only reach but surpass them.

“We’ve made a big commitment to upskilling and investing in our workforce and we’ll be creating hundreds of green jobs over the coming years.

“This is the first time we’ve dedicated a careers day solely aimed at women and we want it to be a day to remember. We’ve all sorts of activities planned and want to highlight the roles we have from cyber and HR to customer service, IT, finance and of course engineering.”

Sessions will take place at the Electricity North West Training Academy in Blackburn on Wednesday 17 July from 1-3pm and 5-7pm. Places are free and onsite parking is available. No engineering experience is required and attendees are welcome from across the North West and further afield.

Places are limited so to secure your place by registering via EventBrite:

Afternoon session 1-3pm

Evening session 5-7pm