16 Jul 2020

Electricity North West publishes new Embedded Capacity Register

Back in January, all Distribution Network Operators (DNO’s) began publishing registers providing information to electricity network stakeholders on generation and storage resources (≥1MW) that are connected, or accepted to connect to the distribution network and each register is updated monthly by the host DNO.

This was known as the System Wide Resource Register, however, following the DCUSA change proposal DCP 350, this publication has now been rebranded as the Embedded Capacity Register (ECR) and provides additional data relating to resource location, resource and technology type, information relating to contracted flexibility services being provided by connected resources, including flexible demand and details about network reinforcements.

Electricity North West is proud to publish its first volume of the ECR here and encourages all its stakeholders to use and share this information.

Electricity North West has also become the first DNO to publish its entire reinforcement programme above high voltage on the register and Simon Brooke, head of DSO transition for the firm says it will be useful for developers as it provides details of the works it is undertaking across the network to improve network capacity and alleviate localised constraints.

He said: “This publication is an important move towards the transition to providing open and transparent data to our stakeholders, and the inclusion of our full high voltage and extra high voltage reinforcement programme demonstrates our commitment towards this transition.”

For further guidance on available capacity for network connections Electricity North West also recommend the use of its heatmap tool which is also updated monthly and its DFES document which will be updated in the Autumn.

To view the tool visit here and to register any feedback on the tool or the information it contains please email flexible.contracts@enwl.co.uk.