03 Jul 2020

Engineers working to fix Wigton fault

Electricity North West engineers are working hard to fix the fault currently affecting 2,300 customers in Wigton.

Since Monday, there have been intermittent faults in Wigton caused by an issue with an overhead powerline in the area. Because of the type of fault, it’s difficult to identify and customers may experience a number of short power cuts as a result.

Engineers have been patrolling our overhead lines in all weathers to identify exactly where the fault is. Teams have also fitted specialist equipment to help locate the cause of the fault, and used thermal imaging equipment to assess the lines.

Neil Stark, Cumbria Operations Manager, said: “We’re doing everything we can to find and fix this fault as quickly as possible. Due to investment in the network we are able to automatically restore power when it goes off so the power cuts are short, but I do understand how disruptive and frustrating this is. We are getting closer to finding the issue and when we do we will be able to make a permanent repair. In the meantime if there are any issues, please do get in touch with us.”

Power cut updates are available at www.enwl.co.uk/powercuts, via Electricity North West’s Twitter and Facebook channels or by calling the network company for free on 105.

Customers in vulnerable circumstances can also register to sign up to Electricity North West’s Priority Services Register for additional support. For more information go to www.enwl.co.uk/priority or call 105.