19 Jun 2020

Lights, camera, action! Young people win funding to make eco-friendly films

Young people in the north west now have the chance to become film producers in an effort to spread the word about energy efficiency, thanks to funding from Electricity North West.

The POSH Bites project by community group Youth Focus North West will bring together groups of young people from across the region who are interested in protecting the environment and helping people use energy more efficiently.

The aim is to produce and promote 11 short films that will be published online to share advice about how households can reduce their energy use, cut their household bills and minimise their environmental impact.

Youth Focus North West is launching its POSH Bites project with support from a £14,460 grant from Electricity North West as part of the network operator’s Empowering our Communities scheme.

Lesley Dixon, regional participation worker at Youth Focus North West, said: “POSH stands for Pioneers of Sustainable Hope and the aim of the project is to encourage people to think differently about energy, how we use it and how we can be energy efficient.

“We will be working with experts to learn about energy efficient ways which will inform the content of the videos.

“Young people are full of innovative ideas, so it's fantastic that they are being given this chance to have a voice.”

St Helens-based Youth Focus North West works to improve the lives of young people across the region, giving them opportunities to learn, grow and develop.

It works with around 2,000 young people every year, with members including the 23 local authorities across the north west and around 42 youth organisations across Greater Manchester.

Helen Seagrave, community energy manager at Electricity North West, added: “Young people are passionate about the environment and it’s important that they have an opportunity to spread the positive messages that they believe in so strongly.

“That’s why we’re so happy to be supporting the initiative.

“Our Empowering our Communities Fund takes applications from community groups across the north west who aim to tackle energy-related issues at a local level, especially those that want to reduce their carbon footprint.

“Groups can apply for up to £15,000 for projects that engage local communities in energy issues and support the development of a community energy project.

“The fund will be re-opening later this year so keep an eye out on the website for more information.”

Electricity North West is calling for those living or working in the region to have their say on its plans as part of its biggest ever customer engagement programme. Anybody interested in getting involved can visit www.pluggingin.co.uk for more details.