03 Feb 2020

North West electricity network welcomes new drive to tackle climate crisis

The energy network operator responsible for getting electricity to homes and businesses across the north west has welcomed a renewed focus on carbon reduction from the new boss of the energy regulator.

Jonathan Brearley takes up his role as CEO of Ofgem today and, in his first act in the new job, has published a new action plan to help the UK reach its target of cutting carbon emissions to net zero by 2050.

Electricity North West immediately welcomed the plan and called on Mr Brearley to recognise the higher ambitions of consumers in the north west.

In his report, Mr Brearley sets out his ambition for the energy sector to help both consumers and businesses cut carbon emissions, and to do so at the lowest possible cost to energy users.

In doing so, he outlines the steps he will take, as the energy regulator, over the next 18 months and states his aim that Ofgem will help make 2020 a “turning point for climate change”.

Welcoming the report, Electricity North West CEO Peter Emery said: “Reaching net zero will take committed effort from everyone – consumers, businesses, those working in the energy sector and those whose work could help transform the way we use electricity.

“As the network operator for the north west, we believe it’s our responsibility to lead the way with this transformation – both by using our expertise to help others looking to cut their emissions but also by setting an example in our own organisation.

“We recognise the urgency of the situation and – like the 10 local authorities of Greater Manchester – have already brought forward our net zero target to 2038.”

Electricity North West has already published its own plan to cut carbon emissions by 10% year-on-year, and is investing more than £63 million over the next four years to lead the region to zero carbon.

That money is already reducing the carbon emissions from its own operations and will help others to connect low carbon technologies, such as electric vehicles and solar panels, to the network.

Mr Emery added: “Today’s report from Ofgem, and its renewed commitment to supporting the move to net zero, is a welcome step forward. It is a positive start, and one we thoroughly support.

“Having already started on that journey ourselves, and aiming to move faster to address the climate emergency, we’re looking forward to enjoying the regulator’s support as we invest to meet these local targets.

“Having published this plan, we hope Ofgem will act in consumers’ interests by listening to them, like we have, and creating a framework that enables the necessary investment to meet local goals, rather than following a standard one-size-fits-all country-wide target.”