23 Jul 2024

Community and local energy North West

Time running out to apply for £100,000 energy fund

Electricity North West's Helen Seagrave

Power network operator Electricity North West has £100,000 up for grabs but time is running out for groups and organisations to apply.

Returning for a seventh time, the Powering our Communities fund has already transformed communities across the region by awarding close to £500,000.

Electricity North West is looking to support communities to develop their energy projects by providing early stage funding to help get their projects going. That might include developing a local plan, engagement activities, overcoming a specific barrier, feasibility studies or business plan development.  

Now, with another £100,000 available, the firm is reminding people to submit an application before the fast-approaching deadline.

“We’ve had a really positive response since launching with many new groups and organisations asking more questions about community energy,” said Helen Seagrave, Electricity North West’s community energy manager.

“The applications that have already been submitted are an incredibly diverse range and I think that highlights how community energy is growing and people recognising the huge benefits.

“More people want to tackle climate change whilst getting a community benefit and making a difference. I’d urge anybody who is thinking about sending an application to do so. Our fund is on hand to make a difference to groups’ or organisations’ new or current projects.”

Applications for this year’s fund must be submitted by Friday, 26 July and successful applicants will be notified in September. 

Funding up to £15,000 per project is available as Electricity North West wants to target projects which scale up the delivery of a community or local energy project or group, or projects that address specific barriers that are holding back the development of community or local energy.

To apply, visit www.enwl.co.uk/funding.