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Anthonique Asamoah

21 Aug 2024

The intern experience

This summer, Anthonique Asamoah has been interning within our People & Corporate Services directorate. We asked her a few questions about her experience so far. 


26 Jun 2024

Electricity North West unveils latest insights on decarbonisation and network development at DSO functions webinar


05 Jun 2024

Network Development Plan: Charting the course for a sustainable future

Electricity North West is committed to delivering a reliable and sustainable electricity network for the North West region. Our Network Development Plan (NDP) serves as a roadmap for the development of the network in alignment with future electricity needs. This blog post delves into the NDP, exploring its key features and the valuable insights it offers for our customers and stakeholders. 

EV electric vehicle-3

03 Jun 2024

Empowering decarbonisation through collaboration: A look at Electricity North West's Smart Optimisation Output Collaboration Plan

Electricity North West is on a mission to empower regional progress towards Net Zero through the delivery of affordable services and infrastructure for decarbonisation. Underpinning this strategy is our unwavering commitment to collaboration, transparency, and data-driven decision making. This blog post shines a light on our Smart Optimisation Output (SOO) Collaboration Plan. 

Previous winners of the fund alongside Helen Seagrave, third right

07 Nov 2023

Celebrating the Powering our Communities Fund Winners of 2023

By Helen Seagrave, Community Energy Manager

EV electric vehicle-4

21 Jul 2023

Electricity North West Open Data Portal: A valuable resource for the energy sector

Electricity North West recently launched its open data portal, providing access to a wide range of data related to the electricity network in the North West of England. The data is available for free to anyone who wants to use it, and it can be used for a variety of purposes, including research, analysis, and development. In this blog, Ian Povey, DSO data manager at Electricity North West discusses the data sets and the benefits of this valuable resource.


05 Jul 2023

The role of innovation in net zero

Tree planting in Westhoughton

05 Jul 2023

How important environmental plans are to reaching net zero targets

Ben Scott, Environment Manger at Electricity North West, discusses how central environmental plans and sustainability are to reaching net zero targets and protecting the natural environment of the North West region.

Solar panels at a Manchester substation

05 Jul 2023

Electricity North West on helping the North West transition to low carbon technologies

Electricity North West proudly delivers electricity to over 2.4 million properties and five million customers in the North West of England, as the region’s distribution network operator (DNO). We are responsible for ensuring the safe and reliable distribution of electricity to homes and businesses across the North West. In today’s blog, Lynn Tracey, our Net Zero Business Engagement Manager, discusses the key role we play in the transition to a low carbon future and connecting low carbon technologies to the electricity grid.

EV electric vehicle-4

30 Jun 2023

How Electricity North West is supporting net zero

Net Zero Week is part of the momentum needed to reduce our carbon emissions and combat the effects of climate change.

Electricity North West WES partner

20 Jun 2023

We're a Women's Engineering Society partner

We're thrilled to develop a new partnership with Women's Engineering Society (WES). As part of our business plan for 2023-2028 we've committed to increase the number of women working for our company, in particular women in leadership and engineering roles.

Manchester city centre

15 May 2023

Flexible services - the tender process

Electricity North West is the distribution network operator for the North West of England and we supply electricity to more than 5 million customers across the North West. As a distribution network operator, we are responsible for the safe and reliable delivery of electricity to homes and businesses within our area. To help achieve this, we rely on a range of flexible services that allow us to manage the electricity network more efficiently and effectively. In this blog post, Lois Clark, DSO commercial lead at Electricity North West, will discuss the flexible services tender process and how interested parties can get involved.